
Application Assistance for Fakir/Miskin

Zakat Distribution Assistance

To carrying out the mandate of zakat money that was paid by MAIM has allocated all the tithes into several activities for the benefit of the Muslims among them Malacca MAIM assistance programs which have been categorized in the designated recipients of assistance provided by MAIM.

a. Monthly Assistance

  1. Food Aid Foundation (Small Family/ Large Family)
  2. Savings of Tabung Haji
  3. Hemodialysis Treatment
  4. Employee Assistance Volunteers

b. Annual Assistance

  1. Hari Raya Assistance
  2. Clothing School (Fakir Children's / Poor / Convert)
  1. General Assistance
  2. Spectacles Assistance
  3. Assistance Loan Calculator (Fakir son)
  4. Marriage Scheme Single Mother
  5. Assistance To Fully Residential
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Contact Us

Malacca Islamic Religion Council,
Pusat Islam Melaka,
Bukit Palah, 75400,

G : 2.21462, 102.26442

T : +606 283 7416 / 283 2077 / 284 9809
F : +606 282 6033
E : admin@maim.gov.my

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  • On Thursday 06 February 2025, 08:17:00.

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